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    3 Keys To Speak More Confidently And Clearly


    Read Time: 3 Minutes

    Have you ever watched an executive or colleague at work command the room with their poise and presence? 

    Some people think that this type of confidence can't be taught. But after transforming my own speaking skills over the years, I'm a big believer that you can make these habits second nature if you are deliberate about what you practice. 

    In this issue, I'll dive into the 3 key traits that separate average speakers from the most self-assured, impactful ones -- so that you can practice them right away. Let's break it down. 

    Trait #1: A Clear Audience Goal (0:00 - 2:35 in the video above)

    Confident speakers know their words are a gift to the audience. They have a laser-focused objective for what they want their listeners to know, feel, or do as a result of their message.  

    In contrast, a nervous speaker tends to ramble aimlessly, more concerned about their own performance than the audience's takeaways. 

    To shift into a confidence mindset, use this simple template:

    "I want [audience] to feel [emotion] about [information] in order to [action]."

    Defining your desired emotional impact is most important. Whether it's inspiration, joy, or urgency - centering your message on evoking a specific feeling will be your North Star. 

    When you're convinced of the value you're providing, your focus naturally turns outward and your confidence shines.

    Trait #2: Bottom-Line-Up-Front (BLUF) Answers (2:36 - 4:40 in the video above)

    When asked a question, confident speakers get straight to the point. They lead with a succinct one-sentence response, then elaborate on the details.

    For example:

    Q: What was your biggest career accomplishment in the past 3 years? 

    A: My biggest accomplishment was helping take our revenue organization from $100M to $500M ARR.

    Notice how the answer incorporates parts of the question itself? This is a great tactic to anchor your response and buy a few seconds to collect your thoughts before diving in.

    So next time you're put on the spot, remember BLUF. Lead with your main message, then expand as needed. Your concision will exude confidence.

    Trait #3: Speaking in Down Notes (4:41 - end of video)

    Your vocal delivery can make or break how confident you sound - specifically the tone at the end of your sentences. 

    Raising your pitch as you conclude a statement (known as up-speak) can make you seem uncertain. Speaking in a down note, where you lower your tone on the last word, conveys conviction.

    Compare these two deliveries:

    "I like red apples?" vs. "I like red apples."

    The first sounds like you're seeking approval. The second sounds sure and straightforward.  

    To train yourself out of up-speak, practice this:

    - Pause before the last word of your sentence

    - Drop your pitch on that final word

    Here are a few to try:

    - I like red apples.

    - I love playing basketball.

    - I'm really excited about today.

    Takeaways For The Week: 

    • For your next important speech or presentation, write down the "I WANT MY AUDIENCE TO FEEL _______ ABOUT _________ IN ORDER TO ___________" template on a piece of paper. Fill out the emotional, informational and actionable gifts. 
    • In your next low-stakes conversation with a friend, family member, or partner, practice answering them with BLUF. Remember to restate their question in your answer. 
    • When you practice saying your BLUF, try to lower your tone at the end of your sentence. Ask that same person if you lowered your tone. Or, you can listen to a recording of yourself to hear whether you're sounding as authoritative as you could. 

    If you found this helpful, the Impromptu Speakers Academy is my 3-week bootcamp to help you become a clear and confident speaker at work. Reserve your spot today while they're still available.

    Lastly, be sure to subscribe to get newsletter issues like this straight to your inbox.

    Hope it helps.


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